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All Discussions
Malwarebytes flagged & quarantined an Excalibur file (Windows)
How to back up User Commands?
Excalibur not unsheathing in 15.0.0 (macOS)
Transition .MOV .MP4
Quiver saves text layers?
Grave Robber License issue
How do I trim only the selected clip on a timeline with a shortcut key?
Some effects not working (Excalibur)
Excalibur doesn't show everything blank
Can't Use Spellbook after Downloading Quiver
Multi-Cam is not disabling clips when using premiere 24.6.4
Chronicler dont open
Premiere stuck in "Import Files..." window
Adjustment Layer Starts Rendering Instead
Speelbook links not wirking in Streamdeck
Quiver Feature Request
Excalibur/spellbook feature request
AAF, OMF Automation feature request
Spell Book is empty, but plugins are installed
Excalibur still active even when outside the timeline window (MacOS)
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