Pelle_Asselbergs Hi, i'ld like to create a shortcut to COPY sequence timecode with 1 button. There are tasks where I need this option multiple times a day. A shortcut to copy current playhead timecode to my clipboard would be a huge help. Thank you Sir!
Sir_Ivan Pelle_Asselbergs here you go, (KS stands for Keyboard Shortcut command): KS: Program Monitor, default shift+4 KS: Tab (select timecode in Program monitor) KS: Copy, default ctrl/cmd+C (copy timecode) KS: Timeline, default shift+3 (to return to timeline)
Sir_Ivan Pelle_Asselbergs use Keyboard Shortcut command:
Pelle_Asselbergs Thank you so much! Works perfectly. There are so many new Excalibur doors opening at the moment...