This is the reason why I would like Excalibur be able to make subclips of a timeline:
When I make a derush of all the clips in a timeline (deleting unusable clips, removing beginning and ending of clips where the camera was out of focus, shaky, ..., selecting a part of a clip and deleting the rest of the clip in the timeline) I have a sequence with clips that are usable in an edit.
Now, I like the ICON view in the project panel. I want to be able to see the icons of these usable clips, and scroll over them in the project panel to quickly make selects of clips. This is faster and more intuitive that scrolling the derushed timeline.
Now, I could select each clip from the derushed timeline, make a subclip, give it a name, move it in a bin in the project panel, select the next clip in the derushed timeline etc... this is a tedious process because sometimes I have hundreds of different clips in my derushed timeline.
I could make a macro with Excalibur for this, but I can not say to Excalibur: do this for each clip on the timeline. Sort of like using an if then loop "Do this until your reach the last clip on this track in this timeline". So, I am sure Ivan knows how to do this because he must have used this loop behavior in other functions of Excalibur.
I know I can use the "Project manager" function inside premiere to convert all clips in a sequence to consolidate and transcode all clips in a chosen sequence. (I could use a lossless codec, but this is bad for hard disk space, as I am actually making "duplicates" of my source files. But another problem is that Premiere doesn't let you use Media Encoder for this process. So, it exports the footage directly so you can't use Premiere for a couple of hours.
I know this process while using Media Encoder is possible with the plugin "Clips Exporter" from "The machines must work" (Highly recommended by the way) but the extra needed hard disk space is still an issue.
I hope Ivan can implement this automation of making subclips. :-)