Gabi oh, so you are trying to place nest with this text inside.
Sequence item should have project item, to be added to a timeline by Quiver.
Graphic layers don't have it, they only exist on a timeline.
You need to create mogrt from this text layer and then add mogrt file (from file browser) to Quiver.
Or you can add nest as it is (disable "add as individual clips" option for that Quiver item), but probably that is not what you want.
There is a request to un-nest sequences that are added with Quiver.
The difference between current way of Quiver and un-nest is this:
- currently Quiver will get project item for each sequence item and then add it to a timeline. Good: allows to add items with playback on. Bad: can't inherit effects applied to sequence items.
- un-nest will bring actual sequence items to a timeline. Bad: doesn't allow to add items with playback on (will interrupt it. Good: will inherit effects applied to sequence items.
I plan to give users a toggle, so they can decide which option to use.