Quiver Plugin ---- Spell Book didn't install

When I installed Quiver it was flagged as malware but after turning off anti virus it downloaded perfectly. But the last part of the download always has an issue and it says there isn't any permissions granted to add Spellbook exe. It also has an issue shuting down all applications that use spellbook.
If I open spell book in premiere pro nothing happens, I can use Quiver perfectly fine though

    Jakube Oh, antivirus warning, finally!
    I hoped I would get around it.

    Jakube But the last part of the download always has an issue and it says there isn't any permissions granted to add Spellbook exe.

    What do you mean?

    Do you have this file on your system?
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\knights_of_the_editing_table.spell_book\assets\app\win\Spellbook.exe
    /Library/Application Support/Adobe/CEP/extensions/knights_of_the_editing_table.spell_book/assets/app/mac/Spell Book.app

    Thank you for responding.
    yes Spell book is in that file location. But When I go in to premiere and click to open the extension nothing happens though.

      Jakube could you try to add Spellbook.exe to exceptions in your antivirus and restart Premiere Pro?

      Thank you very much that fixed itπŸ—£οΈπŸ’“
      . I also restarted PC asw well as Premiere Pro. And Spell Book now opens.

        6 days later

        Jakube does it still work? i have the same problem with spell book not opening but sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't work after opening premiere. when i click to run spell book by myself i see loading circle icon but then program doesn't open. i also allowed spell book through firewall on win10 but still it's a lottery whether it does work or not

        edit: i think i know what's wrong? but idk how to fix it. so each time premiere opens it tries to open spell book as well but spell book is being closed only after being in a specific project and then closing premiere so for example if you dont open any project from the list or you open spell book when premiere is not running premiere will try to create another instance of it and that what breaks the whole thing and those 2 instances are being properly closed when quitting premiere and reopening it so regarding code for it prob some additional if statement will do the job that checks if an instance of spell book is already running while opening premiere πŸ™‚


          Maryl if you will launch Spell Book manually, without Adobe app running, it will close itself in 30 seconds.
          I made it this way for now, so Spell Book only runs with Adobe apps.
          If you will restart your computer and just open Premiere Pro, will Spell Book be launched in background (and are you able to open it via tray bar or Extensions menu)?

            Sir_Ivan yes first time always works then it gets bad either when you open more than 1 project at the same time or you dont open one at all when being in the list of projects menu, closing it and then opening premiere once more.

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