Jakube does it still work? i have the same problem with spell book not opening but sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't work after opening premiere. when i click to run spell book by myself i see loading circle icon but then program doesn't open. i also allowed spell book through firewall on win10 but still it's a lottery whether it does work or not
edit: i think i know what's wrong? but idk how to fix it. so each time premiere opens it tries to open spell book as well but spell book is being closed only after being in a specific project and then closing premiere so for example if you dont open any project from the list or you open spell book when premiere is not running premiere will try to create another instance of it and that what breaks the whole thing and those 2 instances are being properly closed when quitting premiere and reopening it so regarding code for it prob some additional if statement will do the job that checks if an instance of spell book is already running while opening premiere π