Maybe this is more of a me problem. My data management consists of many many HDDs for my different projects. All have the same file/folder structure.
Let's say I set up a project on Drive1 (E:/) with Watchtower. Then I go work on some other projects, and a week later I return to the original project. I already have some different drives plugged in, Drive2 (E:/), Drive3 (F:/). No problem, I plug in Drive1 and it becomes Drive1 (G:/).
So then I open the project file on Drive1 (G:/) and Watchtower starts importing all the files from Drive2 (E:/) and everything from Drive1 now has a broken filepath in Watchtower.
Expected Behavior
Watchtower should import the correct drive's file, even if the letter has changed.
Actual Behavior
Watchtower imports the wrong drive's files.
Possible Fix
Watchtower should have the option (on Windows) to recognize based on the drive name vs assigned letter. I don't know if this is possible, but I thought I'd bring the issue to light. I understand this is a Windows-specific problem, I wish the OS assigned by name by default, not letters.
Steps to Reproduce
- (Windows) create a project on an external (E:/) drive.
- Unplug (E:/) and restart.
- Plug in a different drive that gets assigned to (E:/).
- Plug in the original drive (gets assigned to (F:/) presumably).
- Open project and relink the data with Premiere. Watchtower will not relink the data and instead import from the different drive assigned to (E:/).
Can't use watchtower.
Your Environment
- Watchtower version: 1.5.0
- Premiere Pro (After Effects) version: PP 24.3.0 (Build 59)
- Operating System and version: Microsoft Windows 10 Pro - 10.0.19045 Build 19045